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Maltreatment, Bullying & Harassment

Participants in the St. Albert Raiders Hockey Club should have the reasonable expectation that it will be in an environment that is accessible, inclusive and free from all forms of Maltreatment, Bullying and Harassment.



Volitional acts that result in harm or the potential for physical or psychological harm. Maltreatment can take many forms, but generally includes any act, lack of an action or deliberate behaviour, by a person(s) in a position of trust that causes physical, emotional and/or sexual harm or damage to another person. Maltreatment also includes child abuse, which can be defined as any form of physical, emotional and/or sexual mistreatment or lack of care which causes physical injury or emotional damage to a child, whether done in person or through technology (including but not limited to computers, the Internet, cell phones, cameras, web cameras and other media).



The combined use of negative aggression and power. It occurs when one or more individuals abuse power and direct verbal, physical or social aggression at another individual. Harm inflicted by Bullying may be physical, psychological, social or educational.



Engaging in a course of vexatious comments or behaviours that are known or ought reasonably to be known to be unwelcome, including but not limited to unwanted behaviour that is based on discrimination prohibited by human rights legislation and includes sexual harassment.

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Grow the Game Starter Kit – Free Resources

Grow the Game is a hub of anti-racism resources for the hockey community. This includes videos, publications, and more to understand the impact racism has on hockey and how we can work together to fight it. The Starter Kit includes three short videos and a tab for the Resource Rink that may be used by Members this season.  


Anti-racism in Coaching

The new Anti-racism in Coaching eLearning module addresses critical and timely issues raised by coaches and sport organizations in Canada. To upskill coaches working with racialized participants, the module will provide historical context about marginalized people in Canada, build awareness of racism in sport, and provide tools for contemporary anti-racist coaching methods – all through a Black, Indigenous and People of Colour (BIPOC) lens. 

Cost: Free
Length: 60-75 minutes


Creating a Positive Sport Environment

Participant-centered coaching strategies are an effective way to establish a safe and inclusive sport culture. By placing participants at the centre of the coaching process, coaches can promote growth and athletic development, foster creativity and learning, and protect participants from harm.

Cost: $15.00
Length: 40-50 Minutes 


Understand the Rule of Two

The goal of the Rule of Two is to ensure all interactions and communications are open, observable and justifiable. It is one of three pillars of the Responsible Coaching Movement, along with background screening and ethics training. 

Cost: Free
Length: 20 Minutes


Raising Next Gen Men

Next Gen Men (NGM) is a Canadian leader in engaging and empowering boys and men on topics like mental health and gender-based violence. This course, Raising Next Gen Men, is for parents, educators, coaches, youth workers, and anyone who understands how much difference one, well-equipped mentor can make in young people’s lives. It will help you understand how boys shape, and are shaped by, a wide array of gender-based cultural norms, by delving into academic research in the field, young masculinity in popular culture, and real stories about boys. 

Cost: $99.00
Length: 8 to 10 Hours


*Please note that all the courses listed above are eligible for reimbursement through the SAMHA Coach Education program. 



 There is a responsibility to report any discrimination experienced on- or off the ice. 


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